Finding A Young Driver Car Insurance Plan That Is Affordable

If you are looking for a cheap car insurance plan, or a young driver car insurance plan, then there are many ways to start looking for it. But first of all you must be equipped with the knowledge of the factors that affect the best available car insurance plan. The same factors are responsible for the calculation of the insurance premium. What are these factors that affect car insurance premiums?

The first and one of the most important factors that affect the car insurance plans is the age of the driver. If you are a new car driver then you should not expect an inexpensive car insurance
plan for you will have the same premium as a seasoned driver. The lowest car insurance
plan for you would take into account the minimal driving history that you have and therefore the insurance premium for you is higher than ordinary. The age of the driver matters in many ways. The younger the driver is the more the insurance premium and vice versa. This means that the older the driver, the lesser the insurance premium? The answer is yes, however there are other factors that affect a cheap car insurance plan also. When it comes to the age of the driver the more the age the lesser the insurance premium and the cheap car insurance plan is more easily available. But does this carry on indefinitely?

The answer is no, though the seasoned driver always gets an opportunity to claim a lower insurance premium, the trend again sees a reversal after the age of fifty where with the increasing age, the insurance premiums start to rise again. This is because of the failing health of the car driver who poses a greater risk than a younger counterpart owing to the lack of reaction speed that a younger driver would have. Therefore we can safely assume that the older drivers get the most cheap car insurance plan till the age of fifty and when they have crossed it, the insurance premium starts to rise again. This is how the age of a driver affects the car insurance premium and the older generation has to pay more premium than the younger one as described above. Comparing most major brands of car insurance can get you a cheaper deal whether you are looking for young driver car insurance or sports car insurance.


How To Obtain The Lowest Car Insurance Premium?

So, just how do you obtain a low cost car insurance premium? By incorporating as many of these money saving tips as you can into your quote. These tips really do work and can be the difference of you getting a cheaper motor insurance premium, and not ending up with damaged cars and no coverage.

Before you go off searching for the lowest car insurance quotes remember to check the levels of cover, excess and any exclusions that you want on your policy. Try and keep extra features to a minimum unless they are included as standard on the policy. The more extras you add the higher the costs will rise and we are trying to keep the costs down with this exercise. If you really do need a courtesy car, breakdown cover and legal expenses take a look at a car insurance comparison table, it will list all the main features and discounts of each policy. It’s a great way of searching and identifying quickly, what’s covered.

Your no claims discount is a really important factor that can get you the biggest discounts, so the longer no claims history you have the more discount you should be able to achieve. You can get up 70% no claims discount with some leading insurers and brokers. You can get a copy of your no claims status from your existing insurance provider; just ask them to send you a copy.

Where you store you motor vehicle can reduce your premium, if you keep it locked in a garage then you’ll be eligible for a discount, but if you just leave it parked up on the road side then your car is more likely to be damaged by on coming cars or be broken into, therefore you won’t get any discounts. Also think about getting a security alarm or immobiliser installed on your vehicle as this too could get you a discount. Manufactured alarm systems, tracker devices and immobiliser are the best form of security for your car, get one fitted if you haven’t got one.