Ways Motorists Can Save Money With A Quick Car Insurance Quote

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(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here are a few ways that motorist can save money when getting a quick car insurance quote. But, first you must read and implement some of these ideas before you go off and get any quotes, as some of these things need to be addressed first.

In order to obtain the lowest car insurance premium you should try and get a few quotes from several car insurers. You’ll need to compare each policy, its features, discounts, excess and any exclusions. Comparing car insurance quotes will ensure that you get the best deal possible and at the right price. The market for motor insurance is very competitive and prices change on a daily basis, so there is always a good deal to be had. When looking for insurers you should look at Tesco car insurance.

The no claims status that you have will go along way in your quest of getting a lower premium. Insurers will reward motorist who do have more than five years no claims. They will discount their policy accordingly, because they are considered to be less risk of making a claim. You see that what’s insurance is all about. The risk factor of the policyholder, the less risk you pose to them for spending their money, the less the premium will be.

New car insurance and sports car insurance are always placed into high car insurance groups, so if you are expecting inexpensive car insurance, then think again. Only cheap cars with low performance engines will get low premiums. But, if you can afford an expensive car, then you can probably afford the expensive premium.

Be careful when selecting your profession, if you do select the wrong one then you will be unfortunately penalized and could end up paying more for your policy than you need. So take your time and categorize your profession correctly to avoid any issues.

Storing your vehicle in a garage is the safest place; try to park it off the road at night. Safe keeping of your vehicle can earn you a discount with some insurers for car repair insurance.

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Getting A Good Deal On Sports Car Insurance

Getting A Good Deal On Sports Car Insurance
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So the speed fiend in you has finally gotten the car of your dreams—one that can blaze rubber down the highways and leave only a blur on traffic cameras. Before you turn that key, though, you’ll want to make sure that the vehicle is properly insured. Playing out your high-speed fantasies can turn very pricey indeed when accidents that produce damaged cars, and high-cost transportation is involved. Proper coverage can take a load off one’s mind, especially with big ticket items like sports cars, where a ding on a bumper can cost anywhere between hundreds and thousands of dollars to replace. Insurance is something you’ll definitely want to look into for your new purchase.

Unfortunately, specialist sports car insurance isn’t cheap. Insurance companies see such commodities as luxuries, and risky ones at that. The fact that such cars are built for speed and that their owners usually are not timid about putting their engines to the test, makes for very expensive premiums.

There are ways, though, you can make sure to get the best deals on your sports car insurance.

First, is it really classified as a sports car by your insurance company?

Different companies classify cars by different standards. Some use price as a basis, and these cars may be classified as luxury cars—not necessarily sports cars (which have more expensive coverage). Some use a car’s age as one of the deciding factors— a classic Firebird may be viewed as a classic collectible rather than a speedster. Generally, the rule of thumb is: if it has only two doors, it’s probably going to be viewed as a sports car. So if you haven’t purchased the vehicle yet, 4-doors may well become one your criteria in choosing.

Other factors also enter prominently into a sports vehicle’s insurance rates. An owner’s pristine driving record could reduce premiums greatly, and a good credit rating always helps. The area in which the car will mostly be driven is something taken into account. Urban areas have higher incidence rate of accidents and theft, whereas more suburban or provincial locales are seen as lower-risk places for anything other than cheap cars. Insurance companies also notice if you order safety extras like antilock brakes, srs airbags and traction controls for stability. This kind of mindset in a client reassures them and helps lower your premiums.

All of these considerations mean one thing for you and your roadster: Do your research. Sports cars are a big gray area in auto insurance, and spending few extra hours to find a good deal could mean the difference in spending a few extra grand in pricey premiums.